Monday 3 August 2015

"Mission Impossible Rogue Nation"

We made a trip to Cityscreen Cinema in York yesterday to see the new MI film. We loved it. Goodish story, good acting, great locations (especially of Casablanca), great stunts. If you fancy a couple of hours of action thriller without a lot of intellectual baggage, then I recommend this film.

I think that the film "Casablanca" is one of the best films ever made. Yesterday, when watching MI, I was reminded of some of the witty dialogue in "Casablanca". One of my favourites:-

Police Chief Renault (Claude Rains) is talking to American bar-owner Rick (Humphrey Bogart)

Renault "Rick, why did you come to Casablanca?"

Rick "I came for the waters."

Renault "But we're in the middle of the dessert."

Rick "I was misinformed."

1 comment:

  1. "We'll always have Paris"... the msot romantic scene ever done in my view
    Ilove Casablanca
