Friday 12 June 2015


I watched the film "Kajaki" yesterday. Very good, it felt very real.

This is a film about contemporary warfare and the experiences of the UK Armed Forces. Based on a true story, in 2006, a squad from 3 Para was guarding the Kajaki dam in Helmand Provence, Afghanistan. This was a quiet duty, rather dull, with very occasional contact with Taliban forces. Three paras leave the base for a recce patrol and walk into a minefield. The other paras have to extract them.

The first third of the film has a lot of British squadie humour/banter and a very funny exchange with a Dutch fighter pilot. The second half was very engrossing, very well acted by its cast of young actors. It has a very contemporary feel, the language, the banter, is very real, I could feel the young men's boredom and then how quickly events turn around, the fear of being caught in a minefield, terrifying.

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