Tuesday 5 May 2015

Plymouth Forts Trip, Day 1, Agaton Fort

Map from Victorianforts.co.uk

This is a map of Plymouth showing all of the forts built in the 1860 - 1880 period. The defences are primarily to protect the Royal Navy docks areas. There are some earlier forts close to and in the city but with the developments in artillery during the 19th century, as cannon got better and striking ranges lengthened, the UK Government decided to build another line of forts and batteries further away from the city.

At the time of building, these forts were in rural, agricultural land but during the 20th century, Plymouth's suburbs have expanded and now surround the works. Our plan was to visit the North Eastern Defences, or at least as many as we could. Some of the forts have been sold and they are in private hands. A military road was built to connect the woks, this is now a major ring road.

Day one was to start at Agaton Fort then go on to Knowles, Woodland and Bowden forts.


First, a couple of images from the Internet.

An aerial shot of the fort

Victorian map

Some of my photos.

Agaton Fort is now a Heavy Goods Vehicle Testing Centre

Gun emplacements around the hard standing

Interval ammo store

The site is very well maintained

Soldiers' Quarters

Gun emplacement

Soldiers' quarters

Officers' Quarters

Detail of Officers' windows

Roof of Quarters, with musket ports at rear of the fort

Musket ports, towards the next work

 Finally, another photo pinched from the Internet, this time of the dry moat, escarp on the right, counterscarp on the left.

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